Thursday 5 June 2014

My Journey - Becoming a successful trader

I have been trading Forex since March 2011, there were good days and bad days. Like many others who have tried Forex, I have had the privilege of blowing my account, not once but twice. The only good thing that came out of it was that with every failure I gain knowledge and experience. One would tribute the lost we trader experience as the education fees to success.

Truth be told, we do learn better from our mistakes.

Having said that, there are still ways we can learn without going through the same amount of pain and be as experience and successful in the end. One of this way is to learn from others; with ample amount of practice one would eventually be successful.


Why am I starting this blog today? It is because Today is the day I declare myself a full time foreign currency trader. I have accomplished my first milestone and I am finally confident enough to announce that I am considerably a profitable full time trader. I have been able to turn $1,000 to $10,000 in just a matter of 10 weeks and I will be slowly blogging about how I did it - my journey as a Full Time Foreign Currency Trader.

Those who stumble upon this blog can either be amused  by it, be judgmental and criticize what I have to share or take this with a pinch of salt. Take what is good and put it to use but most importantly avoid all the mistakes I have and will continue to make as the journey to success is never easy.

Till the next entry.. enjoy your day..



  1. What would you advice to a new trader like me that would like to go for full time trading in a years time?
    You doing this on your own or you learn it from a group ?

  2. Hi Philip, Trading is all about confidence. With trading if you don't trade you don't earn, but I you do trade, you open yourself to potential lost. When I first started, every week I lose money it set me back for 2 weeks. This is because this week I dont make yet I have to lose last week's profit. It is tough.. I believe if you have a job stick with it until 50% of your average monthly profit is more than your monthly salary. -DC
