Thursday 10 July 2014

Reviews - Brokers

I wrote an entry earlier about which is my favorite broker. To be able to choose a favorite, does mean that there are other option to choose from. With this thought, I have decided to try write a review on every broker I had worked with and maybe write a review on every other broker that I would try in the future.

Below is a list of all the broker I've had interaction with in my years of trading.
- GFT Asia
- IC Markets
- Oanda - Asia Pacific
- Pepperstone

*Individual Broker reviews entry would be added in due time.



  1. Hi Desmond, It seems that you have some knowledge there.

    I want to ask you about the regulations.

    Which regulations do your prefer and which will you avoid in a Broker?

    I mean FCA and USA regulator institutions are a must, but are there brokers regulated by another agencies that can be trusted?

    I mean, can we trust a France, Spain, Australian, Japanese, Estonian, Ukrainian, Cyprus, New Zealand, etc. regulated broker, which will you prefer and avoid?

    Thank you very much.

    1. To be honest, I don't know much about Regulators nor do I personally trust any. They are still human, if you watch enough of the show Suits you will understand that regulators are just working in accordance with Rules. Rules that are set by Human always have loop holes and are meant to be bend.

      As to which Broker I trust? I too trust none, when it comes to business they are all Private Limited company which also plays with Digits and are limited to a particular capital they declare as they run the business/Broker.

      Because I trust no one with money especially if the company are located thousands of miles away I do not put more than what I am willing to part with.

      This will also give you an idea why I only fund $1k - $2k Max on any broker. The idea is if you can trade.. there are plenty of chances to make money. Double it and take out your investment, and use it to continue to roll it over..

      In regards to your question, and If you still want an answer from me. I would tell you that I would select Regulator based on its country's Economy. For an example, a regulator in Spain would mean nothing if the country has to fold. The business/broker in that country is only as secure as its country's economy.

