- EU Cyclone - Estimates (Light Green Line)
- Cycle execution per day = 1 cycle
- Estimates daily profit = Balance x 1%
- EU Cyclone - Hourly (Dark Red Line) [Click Here]
- Cycle exectution per day = 5 - 8 cycle
- # Active hours = hourly / 5 days
- EU Cyclone - Fixed (Dark Blue Line) [Click Here]
- Cycle exectution per day = 2 - 5 cycle
- # Active hours = 02:00 - 16:00 GMT
# All trading activity cease during major news release.
Google Live Graph above is regenerated and updated on a weekly basis.
Graph Note:
Horizontal price line, it is purposly created for easy reading.
Day count = number of weekdays, hence 1 month = 20 days.
ok im in...